UM-Flint Awarded Campus Engagement Fellowship Grants

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In honor of the recently held Learn & Serve Challenge, Michigan Campus Compact (MCC) has announced that the University of Michigan-Flint is a recipient of one of the new Campus Engagement Fellowship (C.E. Fellows) grant program.

In honor of the recently held Learn & Serve Challenge, Michigan Campus Compact (MCC) has announced that the University of Michigan-Flint is a recipient of the new Campus Engagement Fellowship (C.E. Fellows) grant program.

The program will provide logistical and programmatic training to develop two new student leaders on five MCC member campuses. The student service cohort will contribute to building a sustainable culture of service-learning and civic engagement on their campuses. The student teams, with the help of their CSD/SLD and the MCC Coordinator of Volunteer Mobilization (CVM), will engage the campus and community in a Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr. Day of Service event that addresses the needs of disadvantaged youth, mobilizes college students, and contributes to building a supportive infrastructure for civic engagement on campus.

Michigan Campus Compact is a coalition of college and university presidents who are committed to fulfilling the public purposes of higher education. Campus Compact member presidents are joined together in their commitment to the development of personal and social responsibility as integral to the educational mission of their campuses.

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